Post event: Wind finance and investment summit

Ewout Eijkelenboom was in London 6 & 7 December 2022 to present at the Wind finance and investment summit. The event was good for some interesting discussions on Europe’s route to net zero!

Post event Energy Trading Week 2022

KYOS was present at the Energy Trading Week 2022 in London. Cyriel de Jong presented on the risk management of renewable assets and asked a poll question: how should gas storage assets be operated?

Post webinar: Hedging in PPAs

Thank you for your interest in our webinar on hedging price exposures in renewable power and PPAs. How to best manage the price risks?

Post-webinar: Optimal value-stacking with batteries

In this webinar on optimal value-stacking with batteries, we discussed trading in short-term power markets, passive imbalance and FCR.

Post-webinar: Heat Storage

In this webinar on heat storage, Cyriel de Jong & Ewout Eijkelenboom from KYOS look at the viability of this as an alternative energy source.

Webinar on Hedging price risks in renewable energy – Follow up

Find here the slides presented at the webinar on hedging price risks of renewable energy, by Cyriel de Jong and Ewout Eijkelenboom from KYOS.

EEX KYOS Webinar: Managing long-term price risks in PPAs

Find here the slides that were presented at the webinar organized jointly by EEX and KYOS: Managing long-term price risks in PPAs, held 30 June 2020.