17 November 2023
Press release

KYOS announces the launch of MPX, a joint venture with Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI) and the first ETRM client.

When the Japanese power business was fully liberalized in 2016, Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI) was the first to offer a price forward curve service for the wholesale electricity market. Since the start, this service, called MPX, is based on the fundamental power model provided by KYOS. Many Japanese customers view this service as indispensable for their daily power trading business.

In 2023, the joint venture MPX Co., Ltd (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, hereinafter referred to as MPX) has been set up together with KYOS Energy Consulting B.V. (Headquarters: Haarlem, the Netherlands, hereafter referred to as KYOS). The joint venture is the exclusive supplier of MPX curves in the Japanese market. The offering has grown to include an ETRM (Energy Trading and Risk Management) system. The ETRM system is developed by KYOS and in use by a large number of clients in Europe. In October 2023, MPX proudly announces its first ETRM client in Japan: Tokyu Power Supply Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, referred to as Tokyu Power Supply).

ETRM system by MPX

The current situation in the Ukraine resulted in disrupted fuel resources and a global rise in the volatility of fuel prices. All power markets are affected, making the need for an effective risk management system more urgent. The use of ETRM systems has been widely adopted in the United States and Europe. Japan now also sees the need to manage price risks in the electricity market, and the ETRM system of MPX is specifically adapted for use in this market. The system is offered as Software-as-a-Service (Saas), and aggregates information from physical contracts, financial derivatives and market prices based on the MPX forward curve. The Information is stored, processed, and translated into relevant and clear risk metrics. Multiple reports provide insight to users across the organization, and support critical decision making. Advanced risk metrics as earnings-at-risk are generated using simulations and provide sophisticated insights in portfolio risks.

Tokyu Power Supply strives to establish and provide more stable energy services by minimizing risks and maximizing profits in energy transactions. With MPX’s ETRM system, Tokyu Power Supply will be able to quantitatively visualize market risks and make quick management decisions in response to changes in the external environment.

For more information please contact:
KYOS Energy Consulting B.V.
Nieuwe Gracht 49
2011 ND Haarlem, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 23 5510 221