White paper: Guidelines for valuation of real options in energy markets

To improve power plant hedging decisions, a range of methodologies is available for forward curve building, Monte Carlo simulation, (stochastic) dynamic programming, and least-squares Monte Carlo. This document describes the main methodologies and provides a few tests for their quality, particularly focusing on power plants.

Report: active trading strategy to realize value with a gas storage in a difficult market

The years 2010 and 2011 have been a challenging period for many storage operators. The authors of the following article, Marcus Nossman, Cyriel de Jong, Hans van Dijken show that an active trading strategy is important. With this it is possible to achieve a substantial premium income from your storage facility. Even in challenging times!  Article summary:… Read more »

Journal of Risk: Non-parametric Value-at-Risk forecasts

This paper proposes a new model for computing Value-at-Risk forecasts. It incorporates information about the market’s perceived uncertainty about the future from volatility indices.

Energy Risk: Comparing power plant delta hedging strategies

A comparison of common delta-hedging strategies and calculations finds that simple formulas used to calculate delta hedges can lead to severe biases. This article presents a relatively fast, but more accurate calculation approach. It is based on a combination of Monte Carlo price simulations and dispatch optimization, using dynamic programming.

Journal of Energy Markets: Gas storage valuation using a multi-factor price process

In this paper we demonstrate the application of multi-factor Least-Squares Monte Carlo to gas storage valuation. We study the impact of using multi-factor price processes on different aspects of the valuation such as convergence, average storage value and distribution of storage values in a numerical example.

Practical Derivatives: KYOS consultants write chapter about Energy Derivatives

This new second edition shows how derivatives are used in a variety of transactions, how the documentation works and why boards need to be aware of them. KYOS director Cyriel de Jong wrote the chapter on Energy Derivatives.

World Power: The value of starting up a power plant

In this article we demonstrate the impact of various start-stop constraints and costs for the value of a power station. This impact analysis is possible by applying advanced techniques for generating realistic Monte Carlo price simulations in combination with techniques for optimizing the production pattern.

Journal of Energy Markets: Cointegration between gas and power spot prices

In this paper we show how cointegration can be applied to capture the joint dynamic of multiple energy spot prices. Our analysis shows that gas prices are strongly cointegrated, whereas cointegration of gas and power prices is at long-term forward price levels only.

Journal of Derivatives: Gas storage valuation using a Monte Carlo method

In this article, we develop a method for gas storage valuation using Monte Carlo (LSMC) techniques. The method incorporates realistic gas price dynamics and complex physical constraints. Specifically, we extend the Least Squares Monte Carlo method for American options to storage valuation.

World Power: Realistic power plant valuations with cointegration

Traditional net present value (NPV) analysis disregards the flexibility to adjust production decisions to market developments, and thus underestimate true plant value. On the other hand, methods treating power plants as a series of spread options ignore technical and contractual restrictions, and thus overestimate true plant value. In this article we demonstrate the use of cointegration to incorporate market fundamentals and calculate dynamic, yet reasonable, spread levels and power plant values.