Webinar: Trading in the Japanese market – follow up

Find here the presentation deck that was used at KYOS webinar “Trading in the Japanese market”, 27 January 2021.

Japan update: Wake up call to invest in financial risk management

The soaring prices on Japanese wholesale market have created a shock to the Japanese power system. Wake-up call for risk management!

ACM Report: Grid losses gas distribution network 2021

For ACM, we made a report about grid losses for gas distribution network, incl costs associated to buy on TTF, and compensation for 2021.

Webinar: Accumulators in commodity contracts – follow up

Cyriel de Jong and Floris Hendriks from KYOS explained the workings of accumulators in commodity contracts in great detail. Link to slide deck.

Charity update Heifer: Tafiki farmers

Charity update KYOS – Read here about a Heifer project we chose: solar panels for the Tafiki farmer group in Malawi.

Webinar LNG pricing and structures – follow up

The KYOS webinar on LNG pricing and structures that we organized 3 November 2020 was a great success. Find here the slide deck.

Flame 2020 Presentation

Flame 2020 was held entirely on-line this year. Cyriel de Jong from KYOS spoke about Pricing structures in LNG, view his presentation deck.

Webinar Japanese power market follow up

日本の電力先物取引市場と価格変動リスクに関するウェビナーのご案内 (English below) おかげ様で、10月6日にEEX と KYOS で共催いたしましたウェビナーは盛況に終えることができました。本ウェビナーのトピックは日本における電力先物取引市場と価格変動リスクのマネージメントについて行われました。 こちらのリンクからスライドをダウンロードいただけます。 KYOS EEX ウェビナー 日本の電力先物取引市場とリスクマネージメント ご訪問ありがとうございます。ご質問やソフトデモのご希望等ございましたら info@kyos.jp までご連絡をお願いいたします。   Webinar about futures trading in the Japanese power market to manage price risks The EEX and KYOS webinar that we organized 6 October 2020 was a great success. The topic of this webinar was about futures trading in the… Read more »

Custom analytics: APIs

Now it’s possbile to use APIs with KYOS modules to facilitate up-and dowload with your own system. Streamline your workflow and save time!

EEX KYOS Webinar: Managing long-term price risks in PPAs

Find here the slides that were presented at the webinar organized jointly by EEX and KYOS: Managing long-term price risks in PPAs, held 30 June 2020.