PPA Insights: Short-term forecasting and imbalance costs

KYOS PPA Insight on short-term forecasting and balancing in power markets. Concern is the imbalance costs of renewable generation assets due to the intermittent nature,.

Webinar: Trading in the Japanese market – follow up

Find here the presentation deck that was used at KYOS webinar “Trading in the Japanese market”, 27 January 2021.

Japan will benefit from forward power trading

Spot power prices in Japan have been extremely high for almost 4 weeks. We explain the importance of forward trading and risk management in this article.

Japan update: Wake up call to invest in financial risk management

The soaring prices on Japanese wholesale market have created a shock to the Japanese power system. Wake-up call for risk management!

ACM Report: Grid losses gas distribution network 2021

For ACM, we made a report about grid losses for gas distribution network, incl costs associated to buy on TTF, and compensation for 2021.

Webinar KYOS Developments

Learn more about the new functionalities that we made available in the KYOS Analytical Platform. Feel free to attend both sessions, but note that there will be some overlap.

Webinar: Accumulators in commodity contracts – follow up

Cyriel de Jong and Floris Hendriks from KYOS explained the workings of accumulators in commodity contracts in great detail. Link to slide deck.

Charity update Heifer: Tafiki farmers

Charity update KYOS – Read here about a Heifer project we chose: solar panels for the Tafiki farmer group in Malawi.

Webinar LNG pricing and structures – follow up

The KYOS webinar on LNG pricing and structures that we organized 3 November 2020 was a great success. Find here the slide deck.

PPA Insights: Renewable energy certificates

Read about renewable (green) energy certificates in the power market. Voluntary versus compliance markets and what are the price trends?