KYOS in the media: CTRM Center

Dr Gary Vasey spoke with Hans van Dijken about the various solutions we offer. The interview was published on CTRM Center, which is an online portal, sponsored by Commodity Technology Advisory.

Symposium on Hedging in Energy Markets

Symposium on Risks in Integrated Energy Systems Dublin, Ireland – 6 March 2018 A nice opportunity arose in Dublin, where The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) organized a symposium. This half-day seminar focused on the topic of “Risks in Integrated Energy Systems”. ESRI invited Cyriel de Jong to share his views on hedging in Energy… Read more »

E-World 2018 Impression

From 6-8 February 2018 we were present at the E-World, the yearly trade show in Essen, Germany. We are very happy that many of you found their way to our stand in Hall 3, 163.

Assessment transport costs Dutch gas storages

Are the high gas transport costs hampering the business case for Dutch gas storages? The ACM asked KYOS to investigate this situation.

Are you aware that your analytical models may be biased?

Energy companies need to value and manage risks in their portfolios. To achieve this, advanced analytical models are key. Is your company using an in-house developed model? If the answer is yes, are you aware of the risk that your model may be biased?

Ewout Eijkelenboom joins KYOS as International Sales Manager

New International Sales Manager at KYOS Recently Ewout Eijkelenboom joined KYOS in the capacity of International Sales Manager. He will focus on developing our business initiatives in the energy sector.  Prior to KYOS, Ewout worked at Stogas, Brazil as Commercial Director. He was in charge of developing commercial activities for this underground natural gas facility…. Read more »

Bloomberg quoted KYOS: Blackstone reviving Dutch plant

Bloomberg quoted KYOS’ Cyriel de Jong in their article about Blackstone, published last Friday 7 July 2017. The investor group Blackstone bought bankrupt Dutch Rijnmond gas-fired electricity facility in 2016. According to “Het Financiele Dagblad they paid only €8 million for it – the estimated value was €600. Blackstone Does What RWE Can’t Do by Reviving Dutch Plant… Read more »

Looking back on seminar “Managing Commodities Effectively”

KPMG, Rabobank, KYOS organized a well-attended seminar on managing commodities. The audience appreciated the integrated approach of the various disciplines.

Closing of Coal-fired plants expensive and counterproductive

Emission rights and the impact on global warming According to the climate conscious backbone of Dutch political parties VVD, GroenLinks, D66 and CDA – parties that as we speak are conferring about forming a coalition-government – coal-fired electricity plants have to close as soon as possible. According to Cyriel de Jong, this is harmful populism…. Read more »

Flame 2017 presentation Power of Storage

Flame 2017: Natural Gas and LNG Conference As last year, the city of Amsterdam hosted Flame 2017, which took place from 8-11 May 2017. Flame is one of Europe’s leading natural gas and LNG conferences. It is the largest annual meeting of this organization. Normally this event has a good attendance, and also this year… Read more »