Regional gas transport networks: compensation costs The Dutch regulator ACM (Autoriteit Consument & Markt) requested a report about the costs of grid losses for the gas distribution network. Per 1 January 2020, local gas distribution companies will have to buy the losses on their networks in the market. However, offering regulated services, the distribution companies… Read more »
Nexidus Commodities official distributor in North America
Nexidus Commodities and KYOS announced today a collaboration allowing Nexidus Commodities to become the official distributor of KYOS Commodity Portfolio and Risk Management (PRM) software in North America.
Changes to mean-reversion rate model
TTF gas spot prices recently showed a lot of movement. To better reflect these swings, we slightly changed the mean-reversion rate model.
NEVI Procurement Day 2019
The NEVI Procurement Day is the yearly event that the Dutch association for Procurement professionals, NEVI is organizing. This year it took place on 1 October 2019, and attracted a crowd of more than 400 procurement professionals from the Netherlands. Richard Cornielje hosted a workshop to explain the advantages of the KYOS Portfolio and Risk… Read more »
Presentation at Platts European Gas & LNG Summit
Read more about the presentation Cyriel de Jong gave at the Platts European Gas & LNG Summit 23 September 2019. He discussed the future of gas storage in Europe.
Article Treasury Today: Commodity exposure hedging
Richard Cornielje from KYOS, spoke with Treasury Today Group about understanding the importance and diifficulties of commodity exposure hedging.
InterGen decided to use our KYOS KyPlant software model
We are very proud to announce that InterGen decided to use KYOS Analytical Platform to optimize their power assets in the United Kingdom.
New – use Python to capture your specific requirements
Create your own functionalities with the free open source code Python. Integrate your own specific algorithms into the models of the KYOS Analytical Platform .
Flame 2019 Presentation
Read back the slides of the presentation Cyriel de Jong from KYOS gave at the Flame 2019 conference: Gas Storage Economics – Will volatility come back?
CO2 Conference Workshop KYOS and Cargill
Prices of EUA have doubled – what are the risks? Find here the presentation of KYOS and Cargill given at the CO2 Conference 2019.