Article in our serie “The financials of renewable power and PPA contracts” which explains more about the impact of solar radiation and wind speed.
PPA Insights: Production patterns of wind and solar
Article about the production patterns of electricity generation from wind turbines and solar PV, and influencing factors on outage.
PPA Insights: Renewable contract structures and valuation
Author: Cyriel de Jong, KYOS Energy Analytics PPA contract structures and valuation The financials of renewable power and PPA contracts This article explains what a renewable PPA contract is. Who are the buyers of such contracts and why? We also describe the main types of contracts, the contract parameters and the components that constitute the… Read more »
Optimal hedging of a gas supply portfolio – lessons from a warm winter
Many gas companies saw a loss in 2020 due to a warm winter and low prices. What would have been the optimal hedging? We explore different strategies.
PPA Insights: The financials of renewable power and PPA contracts
This article is the first in a series about the financials of renewable power and PPAs(Power Purchase Agreements). We will cover all aspects involved in a financial analysis of renewable electricity, such as solar and wind power.
LNG: Room for one extra regas terminal in Northwest Europe
LNG imports into Northwest Europe sharply increased since the fourth quarter of 2018. How much room is there for LNG regas terminals in Northwest Europe?
Integrate your own code and models in the KYOS system with Python
In our experience, there is no such thing as ‘standard’ – all our customers are unique and so are their requests. Therefore we have developed something new: integrate your own code and models in the KYOS system, using Python.
Chosen charity for 2019: Heifer – Solar panels for Tafika
Each year, we donate a substantial part of the annual profit to charity. In 2019, we chose a project of Heifer in Malawi to replace solar panels.
Carbon Footprint – CO2 Compensation 2019
At KYOS we also strive to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible. In 2019 we compensated our CO2 emissions with Fairtrade Carbon Credits.
E-World Energy & Water 2020 highlights
In this article we would like to show you some E-World Energy & Water 2020 highlights. From 11-13 February 2020 we were present at this yearly trade show in Essen, Germany. It is one of Europe’s largest fairs focusing on all aspects of energy. The fair has five halls, fully occupied with 813 exhibitors and… Read more »